La version 2024.04 de dbSQWare est en ligne

de | 2024-06-02

La version 2024.04 de dbSQWare est en ligne depuis le 2024-06-02.

Release notes:

  • SQWareCentral for PostgreSQL: enhance, add purge of tsqwpg_CitusTables table
  • SQWareCentral for PostgreSQL: enhance, add purge of tsqwpg_Extensions and tsqwpg_ExtensionsChanges tables
  • SQWareProduction for All: bugfix, Global.lib exit code 22 (instead 0) when can’t retrieve return code on script
  • SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, modify RMAN script for backup controlfiles on windows …
  • SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: bugfix, modify PITR to support conf files with space like ‘C:\Program Files\…’
  • SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add collect extensions and extensions changes indicators
  • SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add collect of citus tables indicators
  • SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add collect of partitionned tables (before, only partitions report)
  • SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, modify CopyDump scripts to accept all formats p,t,c,d
  • SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, modify Dump scripts to accept all formats p,t,c,d
  • SQWareRepository for All: bugfix drop index on tsqw_JobsOnDemandFollow (double)
  • SQWareRepository for PostgreSQL: enhance, add tsqwpg_CitusTables table
  • SQWareRepository for PostgreSQL: enhance, add tsqwpg_Extensions and tsqwpg_ExtensionsChanges tables
  • SQWareWeb for PostgreSQL: enhance, add reports for citus tables indicators
  • SQWareWeb for PostgreSQL: enhance, add reports for extensions and extensions changes in all and unit views