La version 3.1.07 de dbSQWare est en ligne depuis le 2016-08-10.
Release notes:
- SQWareCentral for All: limit mail sending for indicators
- SQWareCentral for Oracle: limit mail sending for AWR scripts
- SQWareProduction for Adabas: first support, indicators
- SQWareProduction for Generic: add pstree info when ptree not available
- SQWareProduction for Generic: limit size of mail
- SQWareProduction for MsSQL: bugfix, modify indicators to ignore table with name > 128 because sp_spaceused no support that
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, modify head of AWR summary
- SQWareRepository for Adabas: first support
- SQWareRepository for MongoDB: bugfix, add case sensitive on tablename indicators table
- SQWareWeb for Adabas: first support