La version 2024.08 de dbSQWare est en ligne depuis le 2024-12-23.
Release notes:
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, test system prerequisites like ksh + rsync
- SQWareCentral for MsSql: enhance, modify « c » for mssql Linux
- SQWareCentral for PostgreSQL: enhance, modify check of PITR (full/incr/diff)
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, add .bashrc_example and .vimrc links
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, add collect of path and version for ksh, rsync, openssl, …
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, add function gfsqw_CheckCommandPathVersion to check command
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, some adapt for MsSql Linux
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, suppress call of sp_recompile when version >= 2017
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: functionnality, add support for Linux version (>=2017)
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: bugfix, delete Dump when fail with « rm -rf » for -d format
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, modify trace of PITR
- SQWareProdution for Oracle: enhance, add EXPIRY_DATE in field info3 of table tsqw_UsersDb (for UserDb report)
- SQWareProdution for Oracle: enhance, add LOCK_DATE in field info4 of table tsqw_UsersDb (for UserDb report)
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add new versions support dates
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add tsqw_CommandPathVersion
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance, modify end of support for Oracle 19c …
- SQWareRepository for PostgreSQL: enhance, modify check and traces of PITR
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, menu display according to admin rights
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, run and kill jobs on demand for all users
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add a message when loading a job kill report
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add CmdPathVersion and LastCmdPathVersion reports
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add report of path and version for ksh, rsync, openssl, …
- SQWareWeb for PostgreSQL: enhance, modify check of PITR (full/incr/diff)