La version 2025.01 de dbSQWare est en ligne depuis le 2025-02-23.
Release notes:
- /!\ Migration du ksh au bash !
- SQWareCentral for SQWareAdmin: enhance, add ManageConnector
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add -CustFilter option for check indicators
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add gvsqw_RunSQWarePredict to globaly enable/disable Predect/Detect
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, dbspatch wil mv all scripts, cfg and cron on sqwarebox from ksh to bash
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, mv all scripts from ksh to bash
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add sqwctl_PredictUpdate.ksh
- SQWarePredict for All: enhance, add genric param (instance + FS)
- SQWarePredict for All: enhance, add param FSGrowth_used.ini
- SQWarePredict for All: functionnality, init
- SQWarePredict for MsSql: enhance, add param for databases
- SQWarePredict for MsSql: enhance, add param DatabaseGrowth_size.ini
- SQWarePredict for MsSql: enhance, add param DatabaseGrowth_used.ini
- SQWarePredict for MySQL: enhance, add param for databases
- SQWarePredict for Oracle: enhance, add param for schemas + tablespaces
- SQWarePredict for Oracle: enhance, add param SchemaGrowth_size.ini
- SQWarePredict for PostgreSQL: enhance, add param for databases
- SQWarePredict for PostgreSQL: enhance, add param DatabaseGrowth_size.ini
- SQWarePredict for Sybase: enhance, add param for databases
- SQWarePredict for Sybase: functionnality, add DatabaseGrowth_used.ini
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, add global purge of Predect/Detect when GatherIndicators
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, add sqwgen_MvToBash.ksh to mv all scripts, cfg and cron on local env from ksh to bash
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, mv all scripts from ksh to bash
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, ignore deadlocks when rebuild or update stats
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, put ‘gunzip -f’ to prevent errors when file exists
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, put credentials from command line instead of parfile
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: bugfix, modif DumpAllDatabases to take options for DumpGlobalsOnly
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add Predict report for FS
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add Predict report for Instances
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, migration from c3js/d3js to Billboard
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, upgrade DataTables version from v1.10 to v2.2
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, display action buttons when repository is empty
- SQWareWeb for Central: enhance, add CmdPathVersion GenHostInfos GenHostInfosChanges and GenPathInfos reports
- SQWareWeb for Central: enhance, add GenDbsVersionLast and GenDbsVersionAll reports
- SQWareWeb for MsSql: enhance, add Predict report for Databases
- SQWareWeb for MySQL: enhance, add Predict report for Databases
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, add Predict report for Schemas + Tablespaces
- SQWareWeb for PostgreSQL: enhance, add Predict report for Databases
- SQWareWeb for Sybase: enhance, add Predict report for Databases