La version 2024.06 de dbSQWare est en ligne

de | 2024-09-15

La version 2024.06 de dbSQWare est en ligne depuis le 2024-09-15.

Release notes:

  • SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add purge of tsqw_DetectDatasInstance, tsqw_DetectDatasObj1 and tsqw_DetectDatasObj2 (future module SQWarePredict)
  • SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add purge of tsqw_PredictDatasInstance, tsqw_PredictDatasObj1 and tsqw_PredictDatasObj2 (future module SQWarePredict)
  • SQWareProduction for All: bugfix, correction of duration compute
  • SQWareProduction for MsSql: bugfix, rebuild script when mix partitionned/nonepartitionned indexes
  • SQWareProduction for MySQL: bugfix, fix the issue on sqwmys_RestoreDatabase.ksh which generates « lfsqw_RestoreDatabase[235]: lfsqw_ExecRestoreDatabase[189]: 8: not found »
  • SQWareProduction for MySQL: bugfix, for MariaDB 10.10 must stay 101 not 10010 …
  • SQWareProduction for MySQL: bugfix, suppress message « mysql: Deprecated program name. » for MariDB >= 11.x
  • SQWareProduction from MongoDB: enhance, get more parameters when gather indicators
  • SQWareRepository for All: bugfix, increase token size for tsqw_TokenDynamic tsqw_TokenStatic tsqw_AuditToken tsqw_AuditConnectionsApi
  • SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add comment column to tsqw_EndLife table for add if version is LTS or not
  • SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add is_foradmin and is_forweb column on tsqw_AdminLogins and tsqw_AdminGroups to prepare SQWareAdmin (future module SQWareAdmin)
  • SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add tables tsqw_DetectDatasInstance, tsqw_DetectDatasObj1 and tsqw_DetectDatasObj2 for detect of SQWarePredict module (future module SQWarePredict)
  • SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add tables tsqw_PredictDatasInstance, tsqw_PredictDatasObj1 and tsqw_PredictDatasObj2 for predict of SQWarePredict module (future module SQWarePredict)
  • SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add tadm_AccessLoginsCache for SQWareAdmin
  • SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add viewes vadm_AdminAllTypesGroupsLoginsPrivs, vadm_AdminAllGroupsLoginsPrivs and vadm_AdminAllLoginsAccess to prepare SQWareAdmin (future module SQWareAdmin)
  • SQWareRepository for All: enhance, modify viewes vsqw_AdminAllTypesGroupsLoginsPrivs, vsqw_AdminAllGroupsLoginsPrivs and vsqw_AdminAllLoginsAccess to prepare SQWareAdmin (future module SQWareAdmin)
  • SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, empty message when deleting-updating Db Alias
  • SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, empty results api key
  • SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add access management to SQWareWeb and SQWareAdmin for groups and logins (future module SQWareAdmin)
  • SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add tokens for SQWareWeb and SQWareAdmin (future module SQWareAdmin)
  • SQWareWeb for All: enhance, create api for SQWareWeb and SQWareAdmin authentification (future module SQWareAdmin)
  • SQWareWeb for All: enhance, modify EndLife reports for add if version is LTS or not